
Friday, February 8, 2019

Royal Rift

if you follow me on instagram you're aware of my deep royal devotion. i've received several inquiries reagarding my opinion on the much publicized "feud" brewing between the quadruplets the media has coined the "fab four" (i could write a soliloquy on just that idiotic moniker) and as i promised a few weeks ago, i thought it best to share them here. there has been such an influx of media attention regarding the relationship between kate and meghan it can be difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. first, i should say i follow a great number of highly accredited royal reporters, as opposed to simply fan accounts, which is where i gather most of my royal information. but i will admit that all opinions here are mere speculation. 

do i believe the k & m are close, or even consider each other friends? no. these women could not be more different if they tried. one was raised in aristocratic circles, waded in the royal waters during a nine year courtship, and has assimilated effortlessly into her role as a duchess. the other was a lesser known divorced actress, raised in california, and who has made it her mission to modernize the monarchy. their perspective and life experiences are vastly divergent. the only thing they have in common is they married two men in the same family, which has placed them in a similar position. the foundation for a deep bond simply isn't there. 

and while i do believe that reposts of the rift are greatly exaggerated, i am inclined to believe where there's smoke, there's always at least a little fire. it's becoming harder and harder not to believe meghan has a difficult streak. the mass exodus of staff rivals that of trump's white house. with reports of mistreatment of members of kate's team, tear filled bridesmaids fittings, and the move to windsor, it's difficult to know just where the truth lies. i believe that because of their vastly different approach, partially culturally (the reserved brit vs the pushy american), and partially personality (one shy vs one outgoing), will, and probably has, led to a few tense interactions. though, i don't entirely concede that meghan is callous enough to make a postpartum kate cry. i think ultimately they just aren't that close and that is the body language we all read.

where i, personally, believe the fire lies is between the brothers. the most credible, and likely, article i've read said that the tension is actually stemming from the william and harry. i noted on my instagram awhile back about the division of the houses and noted that I thought this signaled a rift. from the report I saw, apparently william voiced his concerns over h and m's whirlwind romance and asked harry if he was confident in meghan's motives since she hadn't properly been vetted. this allegedly infuriated harry (lest we not forget this is the same man who threw a tantrum during wedding prep and tiara mayhem, shouting "what meghan wants, meghan gets"). clearly hare-bear is extremely protective of his new bride, which is endearing but i can't help but side with william in his inclination to want to protect his brother and the rest of his family. 

if we think back to the christmas day pr walk pictured round the world, you'll notice kate and meghan's strong attempt to prove the strength of their relationship, but also how the brothers appear worlds apart. ultimately, if this is the case, it's the saddest explanation because of the deep bond their shared their entire life. only time will tell...

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