
Sunday, November 19, 2017

Monday Musings

hello again dear friends, i feel like it's been an eternity since we last met. i know i've been delinquent and inconsistent as of late, but, in all honesty, i've been suffering from a bit of writers block. in the absence of any true inspiration, i feel disingenuous turning to you and spouting drivel, so i just opt to abandon you all together which is pretty uncool. i will try to do better.

it seems only fair i fill you in on the daily minutiae of my life, or more accurately the things that have managed to capture my attention lately.

reading: a few weeks ago i finished kevin kwan's hit crazy rich asians and enjoyed every minute of it. it is a bit of a time commitment, and admittedly the plot does drag a little in the middle, but i assure you the culmination is worth the perserverence. (p.s. i heard it's being adapted into a movie)

drinking: last weekend my friends and i tried out a new-to-me spot in the east village, loverboy, and instantly fell head-over-heels. any place with a "leave a drink for a friend" option, cocktails with the monickers such as "no pants dance" and "shame shower", and one that offers late night specialty slices, is a must see, in my opinion.

dying over: meryl meets anna . when two of the greatest worlds collide, you get a masterpiece. it provides a bit of solace knowing these are the women who are steering the ship in so many facets of our world, doesn't it?

loving: gucci's web bow ballerina flats have made their way to the very top of my christmas list this year. (for a slightly more budget friendly option, these tory burch clara flat, being seen on pretty much every fashion blogger in the world, are spectacularly beautiful also).

sneaking in: while the entire world has been busy drooling over tiffany's new, basic, blue box cafe  (eye roll) i've been plotting my entrance into the wing's new soho location dubbed the coco club. it's complete with stocked makeup counters, customer chanel ping pong tables, and scintillating conversation with women who will change the world. now I just have to find a spare $1950 a year for membership fees...

remember, it's basically wednesday!

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